You know which city your in just by looking around. One area I must commend the creators of this game is the variety of cities and towns in this game. I would?ve liked more variety in the character models even so. However through acquiring different items and clothing you can differentiate yourself from the rest of the pack. As for the character models? There isn?t much variation in the actual creation process of the character. Yet, in real life as in FFXI, if you look around an area long enough you will find something that is both inspirational and beautiful.
Yet I realize this is the same problem many places have in real life no matter where you are in the world some terrain is the same. However many places begin to blur into one another a mountain in one canyon pretty much looks like a canyon in another. In places your jaw just drops at the supreme grandeur of it all, especially if you?ve come across an unexpected place through hard fought battles and exploration. Honestly the graphics can be at the same time awe inspiring and then down right lackluster. It helps pass the more monotonous times that creep up during game time. Even if you?re not in a party, it is nice to be able to talk to your Link Shell (LS) mates when you?re halfway across the world on a boat headed to nowhere. However a bit part of the attraction of this game is the interacting with other players while online. So it can be done and it can be enjoyable. Some jobs are better at this then others yet even I soloed for many levels as a Black Mage, the hardest job to solo in the game. Fighting, living, loving, and dying can all be accomplished by your self. This is a Massively Multiplayer game and it shows, from top to bottom. You gain XP faster in parties and the much coveted items drop in more abundance in them as well. It works well at that, forcing people to have to party at some point in the game, if only to solve certain quests and missions. This game is created from the ground up to be a Multiplayer game. People are more then happy to help a newbie. If your familiar with Final Fantasy of the past, present, or future, fighting should be second nature. Of course as you advance you can do more with what you have, both on the magic and weapon side of things. It?s not an action game by any means, but neither is it purely watch and wait turn based strategy. You have options, of course, which you can cycle through. You attack and wait for the animations to go through. It?s based on the stats you have, combined with your weapons ability and damage. The actual fighting itself isn?t quite real-time, but it isn?t exactly turn based either. This is something to get used to early on, as many of the later quests involve at least one party of people, if not more the one party in an alliance. You can level up playing by yourself, but you can maximize your Experience point (XP) gathering by grouping in parties. (but then again, FFXI cribbed much off of earlier MMORPGs.) To level up, as in any good RPG, you have to fight monsters. This is an option that have been cribbed by other MMORPGs since the inception of FFXI. One good thing about FFXI is that you can change jobs whenever you want don?t like being a warrior? Change and start leveling up a thief. Your job is what you do in the game, Warrior, Mage, (White, Black, or Red), Thief, and many others. You also have a choice of various jobs and guilds to join. You walk around the spacious land of Vana?diel in cities and outer areas, talking to Nonpayer Characters (NPCs), Player Characters (PCs), doing missions, solving quests, and fighting monsters.
There is never a time where you have a full party to control, although depending on which class you get you can have monsters and summoned creatures by your side. It is a bit daunting at first, but the gameplay boils down to this: At all times you can view your character from a third or first person POV. This is my first real experience with a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) and I find many of the elements to particular o say the least. The gameplay for FFXI is a bit different then what I?m used to.